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Why Do I Need a Contact Lens Exam?

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A close-up of a woman undergoing a contact lens exam.

Our eyes are intricate and can change subtly, and sometimes not-so-subtly, over time. For those who wear contacts, this means a one-time contact lens exam won’t cut it. 

Regular contact lens exams should be an ongoing part of your overall eye care plan as they help ensure your prescription is accurate, detect potential problems like eye diseases or conditions, and continuously evaluate your overall eye health.

In addition to those practical reasons, you’ll need an up-to-date prescription to purchase new contact lenses from most providers. Unlike eyeglasses, which may last several years with proper maintenance, contact lenses are replaced daily, weekly, or monthly, and patients should only purchase enough to see them through to their next eye exam.

What Is a Contact Lens Exam?

A contact lens exam is an eye exam that checks your vision and measures your eyes to ensure you get the right fit for your contact lenses. Everyone’s eyes are different, and that includes their size and shape. It’s crucial to have a properly fitting lens for comfort and to ensure you see as clearly as possible.

During the exam, your eye doctor will typically evaluate other things, such as your tear production and the presence of dry eye syndrome, because wearing contact lenses can affect these aspects of your eye health. 

It’s not just about getting the right prescription but also making sure your eyes are in the right condition to wear contact lenses.

Benefits of Contact Lens Exams

There are several good reasons to get a contact lens exam, not just once, but as an ongoing part of your eye care routine.

Ensuring Proper Prescription  

Contact lens exams measure your eye’s curvature and diameter to ensure you’re not seeing the world through the wrong lens. Your prescription can also change over time, whether due to age, eye conditions, or other health conditions. Scheduling regular contact lens exams as your eye doctor recommends can help keep up with potential changes to keep your vision clear.

Detecting Eye Conditions Early  

While the aim of an exam is often to update your prescription, this visit can also unveil more concerning eye conditions that don’t wait for symptoms to knock. Think of it as an early warning system, a chance to catch issues before they decide to play in the major leagues.

For example, an eye disease like glaucoma often starts with no symptoms until vision loss occurs. However, with regular eye exams, your eye doctor may be able to diagnose it early and begin treatment.

Evaluating Eye Health  

Though important, it’s not just about your vision but also your eye’s overall health. Regular exams lead to a documented history that can trace changes over time and signal a need for further testing.

Preventing Complications  

Regular exams minimize the risk of infections, abrasions, and inflammation, which can lead to bigger complications down the line. Proactive care now means less reactive treatment later.

Enhancing Comfort & Vision Quality  

Contact lens wearers are all too familiar with blurry vision and eye strain. Properly fitted lenses from up-to-date exams help maximize comfort.

A woman experiencing discomfort in her eye possibly caused by eye irritation.

Signs It’s Time for an Exam

Knowing when your eyes are sending an S.O.S. is key to ensuring they stay healthy and your vision needs are met. Small changes in your eyes can be difficult to detect, so it’s important to look out for the following signs:

Changes in Vision  

Blurriness, difficulty focusing, or needing to squint may be obvious clues. These could simply indicate it’s time for a fresh pair of contact lenses, but these symptoms could also indicate a change in your prescription.

Discomfort or Irritation  

Your eyes shouldn’t be red, itchy, or sore from your lenses. It could be a signal that something may be wrong, whether that’s the fit or you’ve been wearing a pair of lenses for too long.

Fitting Issues  

Your contact lenses shouldn’t cause you discomfort. It may take some getting used to wearing contacts if you’ve never had them before, but they should be comfortable from day one. 

Is there slipping, sliding, or a need for constant readjustment? It’s not you—it’s probably a sizing issue, which is why your eye doctor typically sends you home with a trial pair to ensure a proper fit from the beginning.

Time to Book Your Next Exam

Contact lenses make daily life simple for millions, but they aren’t without their responsibilities. Regular contact lens exams are an essential partnership between you and your optometrist. They guard against immediate threats to your vision and also act as stewards of your long-term ocular and general well-being.

Contact our team at Total Vision Tierrasanta today to book your next contact lens eye exam. Whether you’re looking to try contacts for the first time or you’re a seasoned wearer, our professional optometrists can help you get the lens you need.

Written by Total Vision

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